Friends of
Mianus River Park
An All Volunteer Organization whose Goal is
to Sustain and Protect the Mianus River Park
Latest News
Upcoming Events
4.7 Monthly Plike - The hike is from 9:00 am - 11:00 am. We will meet at the Bridge at the Stamford parking lot.
4.26 Earth Day - Trails planting and clean up day in partnership with Greenwich Parks and Rec. Details to follow.
4.27 Arbor Earth Day - Friends will be at the Bartlett Arboretum & Gardens from 11 am - 3 pm for their annual Arbor Day commemoration.
5.15 Volunteer Day - Join Friends for some light planting and trail cleanup work at the park. Details to follow.
6.8 Trails Day Hike - Join the Friends for our annual Trails Day Hike. Details to follow.
Bears have been sighted in the park. In the spring, a baby bear was spotted drinking water in the river and bear prints were found on Deer Trail.
Rather than alarm anyone, we want to ensure you are educated if you encounter one in the park or elsewhere. To begin with, they are native to the area. They were pushed out in the mid-1850s but have been making a comeback, and their numbers are expected to increase. Thus, we must know the facts and how to coexist with this fantastic animal.
Black bears are generally shy, secretive, and fearful of humans. They are intelligent with keen senses of hearing and smell (seven times greater than a bloodhound). They can detect the slightest aroma of food, which may lead them to campsites and nearby homes.
Black bears travel and feed primarily at night but can be active at any time of the day. Similar to humans, they are very protective of their young. In areas where bear sightings are common, hike in groups, making your presence known. Keep small children in sight and on trails.
Never approach a bear.
****Dog Owners: If your dog is walking or hiking with you, it is imperative that you keep it on a short leash and do not let it roam free—this is for the safety of your dog, yourself, and the bear.
If You See a Bear:
Ensure your dog(s) is on a leash and under control.
Observe it from a distance.
Advertise your presence by shouting and waving your arms.
Stay calm.
Walk away slowly, facing the bear.
Don’t climb a tree (bears can climb).
Do not ever attempt to feed or attract bears.
Report bear sightings to the Wildlife Division (or call 860-424-3011).
Below are two articles from CT DEEP regarding the black bear:
Gardening Team
Thanks to our Gardening team, we have made incredible progress in restoring the Stamford parking areas. This past year, we seeded the back parking area, added more ferns and native shade plants to the bioswale, and reclaimed several adjacent areas. We started our project two years ago when the Friends began working with UConn Master Gardeners and the City of Stamford to remove invasive plants. Patience is key as it will take several years to restore the area to a native plant habitat.
If you are interested or have questions, please email Linda at
Invasive Plants
Friends of Mianus River have joined forces with UCONN Master Gardeners and park volunteers to address invasive plants that have overtaken the Stamford parking areas. Thanks to donations from park lovers and a MicroGrant from the City of Stamford, we are working to replace the invasive areas with native plantings. These areas were rife with Mugwort (Artemisia Vulgaris), which can grow from two to five feet tall. To learn more:
Monthly Hikes/Plikes
Join Friends for our monthly hikes. Our hikes are on the first Monday of every month. We call these hikes Plikes as we borrow the term from the Swedes who combine jogging and plocka upp (to pick up) to obtain plogging. Thus Hiking plus plocka upp, gets us Pliking.
Our Plikes run for about two hours and visit the park's less-used areas. This allows us to explore, check on the status of less-used trails, and tidy up.
We meet at 9:00 am at the bridge on Merribrook Lane in Stamford. Please bring gloves and a small trash bag. We hope that you can join us.
Eagles on the River
Bald eagles continue to do well on the Mianus River. Keep an eye out for their epic nests.
The link below has more information and a great chart about their breeding timeline.
Scroll down the page to see recent photos of the eagles about a mile down the river from the park.
Support the Park
Classy Groundcovers Affiliate Program
As an affiliate of Classy Groudcovers, Friends earns a percentage of every purchase made using the link below. The comprehensive website provides the necessary details to select the correct plants for your yard. To assist new gardeners, they have also provided a Garden Guide written by Sarah Oliver.
Use the below link to access the Classy Groundcover website and ensure that Friend is properly credited:
Don't fence me in (or is it out)?
Anyone frequenting the park will notice trash plus wear and tear. Besides being very unsightly, it becomes especially problematic near the riverbanks. When trees and shrubs are destroyed, their roots can no longer hold the dirt in place. The resulting erosion impacts not only the quality of the water but also the habitat for the aquatic species making their home in the river. The widening river becomes warmer as it becomes shallower. This impacts trout and other native aquatic species as they thrive in cooler climates.
Fences have been placed along the river's edge to address erosion. They serve not only to mitigate the damage created by park users but also to create an environment that allows flora and fauna to thrive. The goal is to restore the areas to their original state so fences can be removed. However, Mother Earth takes time and patience to work her magic.
Contact for more information about the park